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  • Writer's pictureLexi Johnson

Positive Change: From Your Heart to Your Hometown

Updated: Feb 21

How you can impact the world around you while caring for your mental wellbeing

Waves of positive change spread outward from tiny splashes like ripples on a pond.
Waves of positive change spread outward from tiny splashes like ripples on a pond.

We started this practice because we believe in the power of pebbles.

And ripples.

Let me explain…

Making a splash 

If you want to impact all the water in a pond, you have a couple ways to go about it. 

If you happen to possess superhuman strength, you could hoist a boulder large enough to make a splash as big as the whole pond. Of course, for most of us this would require the use of a forklift at the very least.

You could put on a scuba tank and swim around to every corner of the pond, waving your arms wildly in every direction.

But truthfully, you don’t really need the scuba gear. And you definitely don't need superhuman strength. All you really need is a small pebble, tossed into the middle of the pond.

A tiny pebble impacts the whole pond not because of the size of its splash, but because of the persistence of the ripples that follow in its wake.

A pebble impacts the whole pond not because of the size of its splash, but because of the persistence of the ripples that follow in its wake. 

Ripples spread outward from the splash, bit by bit, creating larger and larger circles until the ripples brush against the banks and bounce back inward.


One small splash has reached the whole pond. The pebble is small, but ripples grow. That’s what ripples do. 

That’s how it is with changing your own life, your family, your community, your country… maybe even the whole world.

When you set yourself free from depression, anxiety, relationship obstacles, trauma, and other struggles, you not only improve your own life. You might just improve the lives of every person you interact with.

It starts with a tiny splash. And follows with a ripple.

Positive change starts within yourself 

First, the “splash” happens inside of you.

Maybe this isn't even about improving your emotional wellbeing. Maybe you just want to see some positive change around you.

Or maybe it begins with your decision to improve your emotional health, your relationships, your habits, your thought patterns, and your goals for your life. 

You choose to get unstuck.

Maybe you’ve been feeling “off.” You’re not yourself. You’re not happy. You may even feel like you don’t deserve to be happy.

You have no motivation — not even the motivation to try to make it better.

You’re hurting.

It’s in these dark and lonely moments that it takes the greatest courage to step out of your comfort zone and reach out for help. And then to begin addressing and resolving the emotional struggles you face.

Small changes at first. Because small changes repeated over time can lead to big successes. 

You may not feel like you’re changing the world yet, but you’re just getting started.

Success isn’t about one or two big things you do. It’s about small things done consistently.

As you begin to experience growth and healing for yourself, the dark clouds start to dissipate.

Motivation and purpose return.

Changing how you interact with others

Whether or not you realize it, this has the power to change the way you interact with those around you and  positively impact everyone with whom you cross paths.

When you’re feeling more like yourself, the little moments of connection with coworkers, clerks, carriers, colleagues, and community cohorts come back.

The smiles, the waves, listening and sympathizing. These can increase as you regain your emotional energy and mental bandwidth.

This may seem like a small thing.

But stop and take a moment to think of a time when someone’s warm acknowledgment of your presence enhanced your mood and outlook for the day. How did it make you feel when someone took the time to find out how you were really doing and made you feel supported while listening intently to the whole story?

Having your feelings validated like that might have changed the way you interacted with the next person you came into contact with.

You see where I’m going with this.

A big gift to those closest to you

The more interaction you have with someone, the more of an impact it will make on them. The biggest effect will be on those closest to you. 

No one is more delighted to have the "real you" back — unencumbered by depression and anxiety — than the people closest to you.

In fact, there’s no greater gift you can give to those who really care about you than looking after your wellbeing. Just seeing you thriving and living life to the fullest will bring them such joy.

There’s no greater gift you can give to those who really care about you than looking after your wellbeing.

Today, my community. Tomorrow?

But it doesn’t stop there. Some of the people you’ve impacted will be nudged toward interacting differently with the people they come into contact with because of how you’ve made them feel. Maybe they’re inspired to be a bit more thoughtful. Kind. Patient. Empathetic.

And the ripple moves on…

Joy and laughter spread this way. 

Commitment to ethical standards spreads this way. 

A belief in basic human goodness…


These things ride the ripple all the way to the edge of the pond.

Maybe this isn't even about improving your emotional wellbeing. Maybe you just want to see some positive change around you!

Knowing your power to impact your community

So ask yourself, what would you change about your community if you could? How do you wish other people would behave? What do you think is wrong with the world today?

If you find yourself wishing that other people were more giving and thoughtful, be the example you want to see. Don't toss it aside as a futile wish. It's true that you cannot control other people's decisions. But you can make a difference by being a pebble in the pond of your community.

Ripples of change have to start somewhere.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking "Oh well, there's nothing I can do about that." Defeatism is a ripple killer. It stops positive momentum cold.

How much progress has been stalled over the centuries by people thinking that they, as an individual, couldn't make any difference in the big picture?

The American Psychological Association reported recently on the growing evidence that "restoring hope is a vital first step" to making a positive change in yourself and the world around you.

So think about how you can bring out the best in other people in the way you interact with them. If you treat others with respect and compassion, will that make them act more respectfully and compassionately too?

How can you help restore hope in others?

When you think like that, you're giving from your heart...

From your heart to your hometown.

Strengthening the Fort Worth community 

We founded Therapy Fort Worth and Counseling Center because we wanted to make Fort Worth a healthier and happier place. 

We realized long ago that if we wanted to strengthen our community, we needed to start at the level of the individual, the couple and the family. 

That’s where the difference is made. 

That’s where the ripples begin.


When you set yourself free from depression, anxiety, relationship obstacles, trauma, and other struggles, you not only improve your own life. You might just improve the lives of every person you interact with... and on and on.

It starts in the heart of an individual and then spreads outward like ripples on a pond.

That’s how one person can affect change in their community. 

That’s how one person, one couple, one family can begin to impact the world.

And the ripple starts right here.

With growth. 

With healing. 

From our hearts to our hometown.

We may not feel like we’re changing the world yet….  But together, we’re just getting started.

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