You’re no longer enjoying the things you enjoyed before. It’s difficult for you to engage with the people you love because you’re afraid of surprise situations—even something as slight as a door banging loudly—that you cannot prepare for. You’ve found that the only way for you to truly function is to numb or to put yourself on autopilot. The nightmares, flashbacks, or intrusive thoughts make your days and nights almost unbearable to get through. You may feel uncontrollably angry or irritable and engage in dangerous or reckless behavior, and it’s especially frustrating that you can’t fully remember what actually happened.
We most often relate PTSD with veterans and soldiers who have combat experience, however, PTSD can be experienced by anyone who has been exposed to major stressful events, such as natural disasters, terrorist acts, acts of war, car accidents, or violent criminal acts or personal attacks.
People of all races, nationalities, gender, class, and cultures can be affected by PTSD. Research suggests that four percent of the US population suffers from PTSD and that women are affected twice as often as men.
If you are struggling with life after trauma, you may be suffering from PTSD and could benefit from work with a trauma-trained therapist. Please reach out! You don’t have to white-knuckle this alone. We’re here to help.
– Learn more about different types of trauma –