Addressing Your Pain First
If you are a partner of a sex addict, you may be reeling from a recent discovery of your spouse’s addiction. The devastation you feel is a combination of emotions that you can’t begin to disentangle—shock, numbness, fear, disbelief, anger and sadness. Your day-to-day functioning may be interrupted by intrusive thoughts of what you discovered. You may experience difficulty sleeping or concentrating, and your self-esteem may be depleted. Anxiety and depression may have taken up residence in your body, and you may even find it difficult to carry out your daily responsibilities.
At Therapy Fort Worth and Counseling Center, we understand that before you can begin learning what went wrong and how to fix it, you first have to regulate the emotional pain you’re suffering.
Our therapists approach the problem with respect for the trauma you have been through. Your pain and hurt deserve to be addressed first before we attend to the issues underlying the sex addiction partnership and build skills to help you move forward. This therapeutic philosophy is different than you’ll find in traditional addiction therapies that begin by addressing issues like codependency right away.
If you have been negatively affected by pornography and sex addiction, you will likely benefit from a recovery program.
Don’t suffer alone any longer!
Reach out to someone who understands what you’re going through and can help you move beyond it.